sarah arnold

sarah arnold

Booking enquiry
sarah arnold - author tools

Available for

Workshop, Talk, Reading, Commission a book


Age 1 to 3, Age 3 to 5, Age 5 to 7



Book types

Fiction for children, Picture book


  • Society of Authors


Author Illustrator School Visits


Hello, I am a published children's picture book writer illustrator based in central London, and am available to give talks and workshops to all ages of primary school children. I am primarily an artist illustrator so my workshops are very illustration based.

I am based in central London, Waterloo so I am happy to travel around this area for day workshops or further afield for longer workshops.

My books are picture books aimed at young children so my workshops are perfect for nursery, reception, and early years children in KS1, however I have also given workshops and talks to KS2 children, adapted to their age, with the idea of creating a picture book for younger children is very popular with this age group too.

My workshops usually comprise of a book reading reading, followed by class discussion and a pooling of ideas. I then draw these up on an easel with the children's ideas and interaction creating some artwork for their classroom and to inspire them to create their own ideas and pictures.

For KS2 children I have given talks and workshops on creating stories, character development, book format, drawing skills, techniques and narrative composition, or I can give power point presentations on creating picture books to larger groups of children.

Workshops can be discussed and organised with teachers.

I speak fluent French so would always be happy to give a presentation in French.

Fees negotiable with me please contact me for day rate:

Half day 3 sessions.

Full day 5 sessions.

Rates start from around £400

For more information and photos please see my website page on author visits:


Reviews: What the Teachers Said:


"A huge thank you for today, the children and Staff loved it." Natasha Mills, Drayton Green primary school.


"Thank you for so much for all your work with the children, they were buzzing in the afternoon and you certainly whet their appetites with their writing."

Melanie Heath, One world School.


"The Children absolutely loved it."

Sarah Curtis, Squirrels Heath Infant School.


Books by sarah arnold

Author, illustrator of children's picture books, and illustrator of other people's picture books and educational books, I love to give reading/drawing workshops to children of KS1 & KS2.
"How Rude!"

"How Rude!"

What has Mole got in that big brown box? The others are longing to know, but Mole says: "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" How rude! A fresh and funny story about sharing, friendship - and good manners. 
Ugh Eggs!

Ugh Eggs!

Eggs are all that seem to be on offer for this hungry porcupine – ughh! Dad makes eggs for breakfast, Aunty makes egg sandwiches, and even Aunty’s cake has eggs in the ingredients! Will Pip be able to get over his aversion and enjoy the delicious cake Dad has made? 
I Told You So!

I Told You So!

Nursery has lost her glasses and won't believe Ella when she tells her that lots of cold little animals are hopping into the pram with baby Tom, what happens when a cold little wolf joins them!  
Little Rabbit Couldn't Sleep

Little Rabbit Couldn't Sleep

This is a book by Beth Shoshan which I illustrated. 
Our Mummies and Us, Go Camping!

Our Mummies and Us, Go Camping!

Written by Karen Tunniciffe Young, and illustrated by me, this is a story of Stanley the elephant and his two mummies on a camping trip! He has lots of exciting adventures and when trouble arises he saves the day. 
Play Time Christmas

Play Time Christmas

Picture board book which I illustrated for very young children. 
