Terms and conditions

For site users

  1. Contact an Author is an advertising service designed to put you in touch with authors. It is not a booking agency so all bookings must be made directly between yourself and the author concerned. We are not liable for any difficulties or losses arising from such bookings and do not charge commission on any fees paid.
  2. We have verified that advertisers have had at least one book published in the UK. However, all other information is supplied by the authors themselves and Contact an Author does not vouch for its accuracy. It is your responsibility to ask relevant questions and make any necessary checks before you enter into any agreement with them. However, we would like to hear of problems you may have so we can review whether we should continue to carry that advertisement.
  3. We do not have control of third party sites linked to from this website and are not responsible for their content. However, please let us know if you have concerns about any such site so we can consider removing the link.
  4. Data Protection
    By agreeing to our terms you agree to us storing your information on our computers and displaying the agreed portion of it on our website. All of the information we store about you is also viewable by you in your own profile page. You also agree to receive occasional emails about bookings and events, which may be dealt with via a third-party newsletter processing service.
  5. Back-ups
    We recommend that you keep a back-up copy of all material you put on the site. The chances of a catastrophic loss of data are very slim, but it pays to be careful.
  6. Removal
    Us: we reserve the right to remove any inaccurate or unsuitable information, breach copyright or are the subject of complaints from site users. You will be given a chance to state your side of the case, but our decision is final. We reserve the right to suspend any accounts in the event of misuse.
    You: you can request a deletion of all your data at any time, which we will action within 48 hours.
  7. Continuity of Service
    We host this site with a reliable provider, but there are computers involved so we cannot guarantee a 100% continuous service and we are not liable for any problems or losses arising directly or indirectly from the failure of these services. In the event of a failure of more than 48 hours, you may cancel your advertising and obtain a pro-rata refund.
  8. Indemnification
    You agree to indemnify us and our hosting provider against all demands, losses, costs and claims resulting from any service provided by you as a result of your advertising on this site or from your misuse of our advertising service (including libel, infringement of copyright and offences under the Data Protection Act).
  9. Limitation of Liability
    The limit of our liability to you will be the greater of £200 or the cost of our services as charged to you in the last three years.
  10. Legal Area
    In the event of a dispute, this agreement is subject to English law.
  11. Variations to terms and conditions
    If you are not happy with these terms and conditions, we are open to negotiation on specific items. Please contact us.
  12. Changes to terms and conditions
    Unless restricted by prior agreement with you, we reserve the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. No changes will apply to you unless we have notified you of them in advance, at which point you have the right to cancel if you are not in agreement with them. In that event, we will pay a pro-rata refund.
  13. Registration misuse
    This website is for authors and people/organisations looking to book authors. If you register for spurious reasons an admin fee may be charged to remove the account.