Heather Maisner

Heather Maisner

Award-winning children's author and teacher of creative writing; enjoy school visits; Early Years. Primary & KS3. London & Norfolk & further afield.

Booking enquiry
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Available for

Workshop, Talk, Reading, Interview, Commission a book


Age 3 to 5, Age 5 to 7, Age 7 to 11, Age 11 to 14, Age 14 to 16, Age 16 to 18+, Further Education, University, Adult


Adventure, Fiction, Health, History, Non-Fiction, Picture book

Book types

Alphabet, Picture book, War/Historical


  • Early Years Excellence Award Finalist
  • Shortlisted for English Language Association Award
  • Best British Book Design and Production Award
  • American Library Association award for Reluctant Young Adult Readers (YALSA)


  • Society of Authors
  • ALCS (Authors Licensing and Collecting Society)
  • Guild of Health Writers
  • Primary school governor


* Enjoy giving talks to all ages - from the very young to teenagers and adults. Subjects include PSHE for Early Years, How to Put a Book Together, Russian History, Publishing and Self-publishing.

* Author of over 36 children’s books, including several award-winning titles, translated into many languages and sold around the world. Translator from French, Spanish, Russian into English.

* Author in Residence at two Hammersmith primary schools; teacher of creative writing to children across the Borough, and to trainee teachers at university.

* Worked as editor and commissioning editor at several publishing houses; give talks on publishing and self-publishing.

* Author/publisher of Dinosaur Douglas Books, which offer a new fun way to explore health-related subjects for Early Years, including oral health, vitamin D, obesity and hand-washing. Written in rhyme,  with input from Paediatric Consultants at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital, illustrated by international artist Alex Godwin, ideal for PSHE and literacy.

* Finalists in the Early Years Excellence Awards.

* Hammersmith & Fulham Council purchased 5,250 copies of Dinosaur Douglas and the Beastly Bugs to give to young children across the borough. Doncaster City Council is adding the book to 3,500 oral health packs for children. RDASH NHS Foundation Trust purchased 1,750 copies. Included in the Government document Tackling Poor Oral Health in Children.

“This book is definitely the best children's book we have read about the importance of brushing your teeth.” The British Dental Journal

"Heather's splendid Dinosaur Douglas series continues to inform and educate children . . .whilst at the same time telling a brilliant story in rhyme and with Alex Godwin's superb illustrations helping to reinforce key points. The timeless lure of dinosaurs and the terrific added bonus of getting important health messages across continues! (Books Monthly)

I was really impressed with the way the children were able to connect to the books … The discussions that resulted were really fruitful. The themes, covering healthy lifestyle choices,are unlike any that I have been able to find for children in a fictional text, so I personally found them really useful. “ KB (Y1 Teacher, Greenside Primary School, London W12)

"The feedback from the children and teachers involved was really positive and Dinosaur Douglas seems to have been a hit! The messages in these books are really relevant to a lot of work going on in libraries at the moment, as health is one our four key offers."  Maria King, Clayton Green Library, Lancashire County Council

Latest non-fiction title for KS2, KS3 and upwards:

* 20thCentury Russia: a Century of Upheaval.

"Heather Maisner carefully analyses the rise and fall of the Soviet Union, with excellent, succinct explanations of the various events. She throws the net fairly widely, with sections of writers, artists, women, propaganda, family, architecture, etc. This is a handsome, well-produced book (with stimulating photographs, painting and posters) and can be highly recommended." The School Librarian

"Perfect for the KS3 history curriculum, as the curriculum requires, it takes its evidence from archive photography, posters, artefacts and eyewitness accounts so pupils learn to use and understand source material  . . . A comprehensive book, packed with authoritative information." Parents in Touch

Books by Heather Maisner

Author of picture books, early readers, fiction and non-fiction for children of all ages. Love visiting nurseries, schools, libraries and teacher training establishments, encouraging children to read and write. Give lively talks about health for the young, being an author, publishing and self-publishing, and the history of Russia for KS3 upwards. Love to help children create stories. Live in London and Norfolk, speak many languages, have stories to tell and am happy to travel anywhere in the world!
Dinosaur Douglas and the Beastly Bugs

Dinosaur Douglas and the Beastly Bugs

“This book is definitely the best children's book we have read about the importance of brushing your teeth.” - British Dental Journal 
Dinosaur Douglas Has Fun in the Sun

Dinosaur Douglas Has Fun in the Sun

Rhyming story book about the importance of sunshine for essential vitamin D. “A bestselling children’s author has joined forces with paediatric consultants to create a book aimed at helping children understand the importance of getting Vitamin D by playing outside.” - Mail on Sunday 
Dinosaur Douglas and the Rumble Grumble Tum

Dinosaur Douglas and the Rumble Grumble Tum

Rhyming story abut the importance of healthy food and exercise. “Story books that convey a vital health message have to be convincing and well illustrated, and Heather's use of rhymes combined with Alex's terrific illustrations… ensure that they grab the children's attention right from the word go” - Books Monthly 
Dinosaur Douglas and the Yucky Mucky Fingers

Dinosaur Douglas and the Yucky Mucky Fingers

Rhyming story about the importance of hand-washing to stop the spread of disease. "The books get the message across very effectively and in a lively, age-appropriate way children will enjoy. They are great for use at home and also to instill basic principles for nursery and reception children." Parents in Touch. 
Bedtime for Little Bears

Bedtime for Little Bears

Interactive picture book series that helps children develop the skill of matching objects, and is also a gentle introduction to words. "My daughters absolutely love the fun way you help tidy up and find the Bears. An absolutely gorgeous book!" Amazon Review  
ISBN 978-1-4451-4194

Little Bears Go To School

The perfect interactive story book to share with a child aged 3+ who is in school or starting school or a nursery setting or when discussing why it's a good idea to tidy up! 
20th Century Russia: Century of Upheaval

20th Century Russia: Century of Upheaval

"This is a handsome, well-produced book (with stimulating photographs, paintings and posters) and can be highly recommended." The School Librarian "A comprehensive book, packed with authoritative information." Parents in Touch "comprehensive and very readable. A superb addition to twentieth century Russian historical literature." Books Monthly 


Heather Maisner - first image
