Luke Quane

Luke Quane

The Caraotha Chronicles - Luke Quane

Also writes as

Luke Quane
Booking enquiry
Luke Quane - author tools

Available for

Workshop, Talk, Reading, Interview


Age 7 to 11, Age 11 to 14, Age 14 to 16, Age 16 to 18+


Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Fiction, Magical realism

Book types

Fiction for children


I am Luke Quane, the author of the Caraotha Chronicles


Following the extremely well received book tours across multiple countries, I am regularly booked back immediately in with the schools and radio stations as a recurring guest. 


School Visits


Within the school visits we run workshops, which involve the below:

           A talk about my journey to becoming an author, the publishing industry and how that has recently changed. This is angled to inspire and show the children that they can become an author too.

          Readings from Albin and the Guardians/Albin and the New Order.

          A discussion about what is included within my fantasy world, what inspired different elements, and how they can create their own.A competition (with a small prize) for them to 'get the ball rolling' on their novels by designing a front cover of their own book.


On our previous visits, the students have really engaged with the exercises and shown a clear passion for literature and writing.


We will also hand out order forms for the students, for any of them to order Albin and the Guardians and the sequel books if they wish. Luke can then return, to judge the competition, hand out prizes and sign any books the students might have purchased. 


My visits to schools have resulted in further class projects, as the children really want to do their best work for the competition. My workshops have also been involved in colourful displays, such as "Bookflix" and "An Author Came to Visit". 


Some of the Reviews From Teachers 


"The children were all inspired to go away and start writing stories of their own"


"The students are extremely motivated by Luke's visit" 


"Truly inspirational" 


Book Signings 


Waterstones invited me to take part in multiple book signings, and readings, which had amazing turn outs. 


Radio Appearances


I have appeared on multiple radio shows in the Isle of Man and in England (including the BBC), and conducted insightful interviews about becoming an author, what inspirations I draw from and why fantasy is such an important genre.  


I am yet to conduct a workshop or interview where the audience isn't completely captivated. 


I am willing to travel worldwide. 


If you are interested in booking an event, please contact my agent via the above information. 

Books by Luke Quane

Albin and the Guardians

Albin and the Guardians

I’m Albin, and I’ll tell you the story of my first Omnicrast. It’s this ceremony where, as a teenager, my future was decided… in front of my family… teachers… and the entirety of the town of Caraotha. My job, friends, and well, the rest of my life was dictated by the form my guardian took. Even looking back, I could never have expected what was going to happen. Within the first six months, I battled bullies, uncovered a deceitful plot, and blew up a lot of stuff. I struggled physically and mentally with every aspect of my new life. I tried really hard but couldn’t fight off the doubting question… was my destiny just to be awful at this job forever? And what could I do to save the town from the threat I had uncovered before our society was destroyed? 
Albin and the New Order

Albin and the New Order

I’m Albin, and a year ago I told you the story of my first Omnicrast. My whole future was dictated by the form of my guardian, in front of the entire town of Caraotha. But it turned out that the whole process was corrupt. After my friends and I uncovered an evil plot, battled to save the town and overthrew the council, we proved that guardians could take any form. And I thought that was happily ever after. But sadly, it wasn’t. The new council don’t know what to do with the new guardians, and they don’t seem to care. It’s come down to me and Tobius to put things right. But in order to do so, we have to venture where I swore I’d never return. We have to go back to the wall. I am reunited with my friends but not everyone is glad to see me. We fight monsters, we search for missing Owls, and we light a few things on fire. But what could I do to prove to everyone that we had to do better, before we fell back into the ways that nearly destroyed us? 
