Piers Torday

Piers Torday

A Day with Piers Torday

Booking enquiry
Piers Torday - author tools

Available for

Workshop, Talk, Reading, Interview


Age 7 to 11, Age 11 to 14, Adult


Adventure, Drama, Fairy tale, Fantasy, Fiction, Fiction narrative, Magical realism, Science fiction, Short story, Stage/Screen

Book types

Any, Fiction for children, Fiction 8-13


“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for coming to St John’s last week. You were an absolute highlight of the week with both the children and the staff. Our pupils have all been so inspired by your talk and learning about the real magic that stories hold. It was the perfect opening presentation for a wonderful day.”

St John’s College School, Cambridge 

Thank you for your interest in having me visit your school, either in person or virtually! Any chance to speak to children about reading and writing is a privilege, and one I do not take lightly.

The following give details of the type of event(s) I do, format, requirements and what we need to know from you when hosting an online visit.

Please give this document a read before getting in touch about dates. I'm very happy to make suggestions and answer any questions you may have.


For all event queries, please email Piers at info@pierstorday.co.uk


What does a Piers Torday event involve?

I give a highly illustrated, animated and interactive virtual presentation exploring the values of sharing stories, and childhood reading and writing for a primary school-age audience. I will explain how I became an author, and what inspired me. I will also talk about how he learned to write books through The Last Wild, tell the very personal story which led to There May Be A Castleand explain why he wrote the books in his Narnia-inspired series, The Lost Magician and The Frozen Sea, and how his latest book The Wild Before can inspire every child to make a difference.

The talk is ideal for ages 7 – 12, and lasts about 45 minutes, after which Piers will be happy to take questions, before signing books. The live, in-person talk is best suited to larger groups.

NB I am happy to speak to all year groups at a school - whether reading picture books to the very young or holding a reading surgery, or Q&A on writing for older children.

For virtual visits, the talk is for groups of any size and can be broadcast into multiple classrooms. We also offer pre-recorded sessions, to allow screenings for individual classes within the school’s timetable.

Piers also offers a 30-minute virtual Q&A session.

Book sales are still encouraged through a local bookseller or our bookshop partner and signed bookplates will be provided for any books sold.

"Piers speaks very clearly and passionately about his work and the craft of the writer. All those attending his talks were clearly captivated and engaged with his content and career as an author. They had plenty of questions to ask at the end of each session. His writers workshop really got the students imagination fired up, and they relished the opportunity to have a go at creating their own story. For some it was a lot of fun as the workshop had humour and challenging activities as a part of it. Others were inspired and were encouraged to think about seriously developing their own stories as a result. All the teachers that were supervising the students were impressed with Piers’ talks and felt they covered more than enough ground and have led to students wanting to read more of his books in their own free time.As school librarian for Rokeby School I would invite Piers back, and would recommend that if you are looking for author to visit your school Piers Torday would host fun, informative and inspiring talks."

Rokeby School, Kingston, Summer 2021

When is Piers available?

Piers does 1-2 school visits each week and tends to get booked up about 4-6 months in advance (more quickly around busy periods such as World Book Day and around publications of his new books). When requesting a visit, it is advisable to give an indication of preferred dates but be prepared to be flexible, so we can do our best to accommodate you.

“Huge thanks to Piers for such a wonderful talk today at Ashlyns School.  The talk was absolutely spell-binding and I've already received lovely feedback from the teachers from the session.”

Ashlyns School, Berkhamsted

Books by Piers Torday

A former theatre and television producer, Piers Torday’s award-winning and bestselling books for children include The Last Wild series (Guardian Children’s Fiction Prize), There May Be a Castle (Times Children's Book of the Year), The Lost Magician (Teach Primary Book Award) and The Frozen Sea. His latest book is Midnight Treasure (New Statesman Children's Book of the Year). His work has been translated into 14 languages. The son of Paul Torday (Salmon Fishing in the Yemen), he completed his father’s final unfinished novel, The Death of an Owl and co-founded the Paul Torday Memorial Prize for Debut Novelists over 60. He has contributed short stories to Winter Magic and Return to Wonderland. Plays include the world premiere stage adaptation of John Masefield’s The Box of Delights (RSC), Christmas Carol, The Child in the Snow and The Wind in the Wilton's. (Wilton’s Music Hall.) There May be a Castle has been adapted for the stage by the Little Angel Theatre.


This is the story of a boy named Kester. He is extraordinary, but he doesn't know that yet. All he knows, at the moment is this: 1. There is a flock of excited pigeons in his bedroom. 2. They are talking to him. 3. His life will never be the same... 


‘If you can imagine it, it exists … somewhere.’ The new spellbinding fantasy adventure from the award-winning author of The Last Wild trilogy. 1945. They have survived the Blitz, but when Simon, Patricia, Evelyn and Larry step through a mysterious library door, it is the beginning of their most dangerous adventure yet. They discover the magical world of Folio, where an enchanted kingdom of fairy knights, bears and tree gods is under threat from a sinister robot army. The many stories of the Library are locked in eternal war, and the children’s only hope is to find their creator – a magician who has been lost for centuries. What they discover will change not just their own lives, but the fate of the world, for ever … 


breathtaking new fantasy world from the award-winning author of The Last Wild. In an empire of vampirs and werwolves, Tibor and Roza are hunting a treasure more valuable than gold ... For readers who loved Katherine Rundell's Impossible Creatures or S.F. Said's Tyger. Tibor is a child of the night, a werwolf, adopted by his guardian, a powerful vampir. He and his friend Roza are on the deadliest of quests, and one that will test their very immortality. And they're not the only ones hunting for the Midnight Treasure. Battling with bears, wrestling with vampirs and racing against the clock, Tibor and Roza must decide who to trust. And whether they will dare reveal the secrets ... of the Midnight Treasure. From the award-winning Piers Torday comes this spectacular, irresistible treasure hunt: there will be clues, spells, imprisonments and escapes, fights, betrayals ... but above all there will be courage and hope. 


Eleven-year-old Mouse is travelling to see his grandparents on Christmas Eve with his mother and two sisters. But it’s snowing, and visibility is bad, and the car goes off the road, and crashes. Mouse is thrown from the car. When he wakes, he’s not in his world any more. He meets a sheep named Bar, who can only say Baaa, and a sarcastic horse named Nonky, who is a surprising mix of his beloved toy horse and his older sister. So begins a quest to find a castle in a world of wonder – a world of monsters, minstrels, dangerous knights and mysterious wizards; a world of terrifying danger but also more excitement than Mouse has ever known. But why are they looking for a castle? As the cold grows, we realise it might just have something to do with the family he’s left behind; and that Mouse’s quest is more important than ever. This is a novel about the power of stories to change the way we view the world – and it’s about the power of a child to change their own world. Emotionally arresting but ultimately uplifting, this is a remarkable novel for our times. 


Adapted by Piers Today from John Masefield’s classic children’s novel, this festive production opened at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, in October 2023, based on the original staging at Wilton’s Music Hall, London, 2017. 

Photos and videos

Piers Torday - first image
Piers Torday - first image
Piers Torday - first image
Piers Torday - first image
Piers Torday - first image
Piers Torday - first image
Piers Torday - first image
