We had Mark visit our school to deliver a whole school assembly and then workshops for different year groups. To say the children enjoyed it would be an understatement!
During the assembly both children and staff were fully engaged, even up and dancing at one point! His use of language and story telling ability truly captured their attention and imagination.
Throughout the workshops, you could hear a point drop. The children were fully engaged in learning how to draw a dragon which they then took back to their class to use as a writing stimulus.
The day was a thorough success, including the book sale at the end, and I would highly recommend a visit by Mark to any school!
Matthew (Springdale First School)
M. P. Robertson
Thank you so much for visiting Willow Bank Infants this week. The children and staff loved meeting you and hearing your stories.
Danielle (Willow Bank Infant School)
Sophie Ambrose
Seth joined us for two days at three campuses. Over the course of both days, Seth led an online assembly, delivered several writing workshops, and judged a competition we had been running as part of our World Book Day celebrations. Seth was professional and flexible, and his delivery was pitched perfectly to meet the needs of our pupils. Pupils engaged well with him and enjoyed asking a variety of questions. We would highly recommend Seth to other schools.
Helen (The Harbour School)
Seth Burkett
John helped celebrate World Book Day in our school by enriching the children with fun pop-up book ideas which the children loved! The children watched his videos beforehand and were very excited to create their own versions. John clearly modelled how to create the pop-up pages and the children couldn't wait to get started. John even catered for the Reception classes by showing his drawing skills and reading his amazing stories. The workshops made reading fun and staff/children loved the fun and engaging workshops.
Jemma (Springmead Primary School)
John O'Leary
Thank you so much for facilitating Fabi visiting our school. Fabi spoke to a range of children from our nursery to Year 2, preparing different activities suitable for each year group. She was engaging and inspiring, the children in year 2 especially loved creating their own animals and hearing her thought process for writing. She taught some children how to draw a dinosaur, the reception children’s efforts were very impressive! Fabi’s message of resilience was particularly inspiring and something as a school community we feel very passionate about. A huge thank you to Fabi and contact an author for a brilliant world book week experience.
Rachel (Littleton C of E Infant School)
Fabi Santiago
We had a lovely afternoon with Kenneth on Fri 4th March. Thank you again Kenneth for an inspirational talk with both of our classes.
Nicola (Aberuthven Primary School)
Kenneth Steven
Outstanding visit. A perfect match for our diverse school.
An inspiring talk and reading and lively, engaging workshops.
The whole school is still buzzing about the visit. A huge thank you to Abiola, she has inspired the next generation of young authors.
Rhian (Braintcroft E-ACT Primary Academy)
Abiola Bello
Pupils and staff in Year 5 and Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed the session with Simon. They were engaged for the duration of the session and inspired them to become more creative in their writing. We look forward to Simon joining us again for the next World Book Day.
Farina (The Olive School, Birmingham)
Simon Adepetun
It was a pleasure welcoming Zehra to our school. She worked with each class and the children really enjoyed her visit. The work shops were at exactly the right level (Zehra and I worked to together to plan the sessions) and the Year 2 were able to carry on with the work for the rest of the week. Zehra did book signing after school as well. I would recommend a visit from Zehra for Key Stage 1 children.
Ruth (St Nicholas CEVC Infant School)
Zehra Hicks